Geoff Gauss had a dream to feed the children of Zambia with his non-profit organization Sakamana. DLP was pivotal in helping him flourish and achieve that dream. Geoff is a long-time client of DLP Capital, and in 2021, with DLP’s help in growth and impact, he chose to sell his business and home to move to Zambia and finally live his dream.
In 2015, Geoff Gauss and his wife started their own business in the Lehigh Valley, an organic-based lawn care business. In 2019, he chose to invest in DLP Capital and join our amazing community. With Don Wenner’s help and DLP’s motto, “Dream, Live, Prosper,”, they were able to realize their dream and make a goal for their lives.
Kelsey Elliott, a Don Wenner Team real estate specialist, helped Geoff Gauss sell his home in 2021 when he and his family decided to transition from a business owner to a full-time philanthropist. With the funds he received from the sale of his business and home, as well as his investment portfolio, they were able to realize their dream and make the move to Zambia.
Sakamana means “to care for,” which is the heart of Geoff’s mission. He and his family see the struggle of Zambian women and children and want to pass on blessings that have been given to them from generations past. The core and heart of Sakamana are to give nutrition with hard-boiled eggs and milk. Sakamana sets up a stand near the local school so children can stop and eat a nutritious breakfast as they walk to class. Simply, Geoff and his family want to care for the needs of those around them.