We live our passion every day — helping others dream, live, and prosper. Our team knows the value of performance, and doesn’t settle for ‘good enough.’ We’re focused, committed, and constantly strive to establish and surpass expectations.
We are Leaders. Idea Makers. Game Changers. We are the Jon Campbell Team Real is one of the fastest growing real estate brokerages nationwide, and now DLP Realty is partnering with Real. As the #1 real estate sales teams in Pennsylvania for the past 15 years we are excited to join a platform that makes an impact on business owners and become a partner of a global family of agents.
This partnership with Real will be mutually beneficial to our real estate team and our clients. DLP Realty’s expertise, content and industry knowledge, through their elite execution system, will be embedded into Real’s existing framework, whilst allowing DLP Realty to expand nationwide. As a result, we will be Bigger, Better, Faster.
DLP Realty and Don Wenner Team is now Jon Campbell Team | Real.